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Dr Łukasz Matysiak
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Prace naukowe
1. Jędrzejewicz, P.,Matysiak, Ł., Zieliński, J.:
On some factorial properties of subrings
. Univ. Iagel. Acta Math.
, 43-52 (2017)
2. Jędrzejewicz, P., Matysiak, Ł., Zieliński, J.:
A note on square-free factorizations
, Analytic and Algebraic Geometry 2, Łódź Univ. Press, Łódź, 79-84, (2017)
3. Jędrzejewicz, P., Marciniak, M., Matysiak, Ł., Zieliński, J.:
On properties of square-free elements in commutative
cancellative monoids
, Semigroup Forum,
, 850-870 (2020)
1. Matysiak, Ł., Data protection and privacy in cost and production functions
2. Matysiak, Ł., The problem of existence and uniqueness of solutions to certain equations describing certain cost and production functions
Faktoryzacje bezkwadratowe i radykalne:
1. Matysiak, Ł.,
On square-free and radical factorizations and existence of some divisors
, (2021)
2. Matysiak, Ł.,
On square-free and radical factorizations and relationships with the Jacobian conjecture
, accepted in The Asian Journal of Mathematics (2022).
3. Matysiak, Ł., Square-free ideals and SR-conditon, (2023).
4. Matysiak, Ł., The Jacobian Conjecture and square-free ideals
Kompozyty wielomianowe:
1. Matysiak, Ł.,
On properties of composites and monoid domains
, Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 47 (2022), 796-811
2. Matysiak, Ł.,
ACCP and atomic properties of composites and monoid domains
, (2020)
3. Matysiak, Ł.
Polynomial composites and certain types of fields extensions
CarpathianMath. Publ. 2023, 15 (1), 150–157
4. Matysiak, Ł., Some other properties of polynomial composites, (2021)
5. Jankowska, M., Matysiak, Ł.,
A polynomial composites and monoid domains as algebraic structures and their applications
, Global Journal of Science Frontier Research: F Mathematics and Decision Sciences, 21 (3), (2021)
1. Matysiak, Ł.
Generalized RSA cipher and Diffie-Hellman protocol
, Journal of applied mathematics & informatics 39 (1-2), 93-103, (2021)
2. Jankowska, M., Matysiak, Ł.
A structure of Dedekind in the cryptosystem
SCIREA Journal of Mathematics. Vol. 7, No. 1, 2022, 1-8, (2022)
3. Chrzaniuk, M., Duda, M., Hanc, M., Kowalski, S., Matysiak, Ł., Skotnicka, Z., Waldoch, M., Certain cryptographic systems based on an algebraic structure, East Asian Journal on Applied Mathematics, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 177-193
1. Matysiak, Ł., Przewoźniak, W., Rulińska, N.,
Matrices of infnite dimensions and their applications
, Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 48, 1235-1241, (2022)
2. Matysiak, Ł.,
The inverse Galois problem
, Journal of applied mathematics & informatics, 40: 3_4 (2022), 765-767.
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